Since 2016, thanks to the generous support from the Ministry of Education's K-12 Education Administration, the Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC), and dedicated parents, the Taiwan Olympiad in Linguistics (TOL) has continued to thrive. Each year, our national team works hard to bring pride to Taiwan. We are deeply grateful for the ongoing support from all of our contributors. With your help, the Taiwan Olympiad in Linguistics will continue to grow and achieve even greater success! Sponsor information
For other donation options, please have a look at the information below:
NTU Giving Form
Code: FD105008
Donation Purpose: Taiwan_Olympiad_of_Linguistics_Talent_Cultivation_Project
台灣語言文化與資訊協會 (The Society of Formosan Language Culture and Information)
Bank Name: E.SUN Bank NTU branch (808)
Account Name: 台灣語言文化與資訊協會 (The Society of Formosan Language Culture and Information)
Account No.: 0624-940-151025